Backend Integration of RBAC

Regardless of whether or not you are using Stytch's frontend SDKs, you should always perform server-side authentication and authorization checks before proceeding with a request.

Custom Resource Authorization Checks

Stytch's SDKs allow you to perform session authentication and authorization of your custom permissions in a single method call. Whether that method call is actually a local evaluation or makes an outbound call to Stytch depends on whether you are using Session Tokens or JWTs.

Using Session JWTs

If you are using Session JWTs, the Member's Roles are contained in the JWT and authorization checks will be done locally during the lifetime of the JWT, without incurring any additional latency of an outbound call. If the JWT is not expired, the flow will look as follows:

RBAC sequence when using backend SDKs and unexpired JWT

When the authenticateJwt() method detects the JWT is expired, it will make an outbound call to Stytch to refresh the JWT. This ensures that any changes to the Member's Role will take effect within five-minutes, in addition to ensuring that the underlying session has not been revoked.

RBAC sequence when using backend SDKs and JWTs

Stytch's backend SDKs will cache your Project’s RBAC policy and refresh it every five minutes, ensuring that any RBAC policy changes are incorporated into local evaluations within 5 minutes.

In code you'd want to perform the following check prior to honoring the user's request to create a new document:

authz_check = {
  organization_id: 'organization-test-07971b06-ac8b-4cdb-9c15-63b17e653931',
  resource_id: 'document',
  action: 'create',

resp = stytch_client.sessions.authenticateJwt(
if resp != 200:
    # Redirect user to login page
    return 'not authenticated', 401

if not resp.authorized:
    return 'unauthorized', 403

The authorized boolean will indicate whether or not the user is allowed to take the requested action, and the verdict array will contain the role(s) that granted them the ability to take that action on that resource.

Using Session Tokens

If you are using Session Tokens, session authentication always triggers an outbound call to Stytch and authorization will also be done on Stytch's servers. Any changes to the RBAC policy or the Member's roles will be instantly honored.

RBAC sequence when using backend SDKs and Session Tokens

You can add authorization checks to your session authentication through the following:

authz_check = {
  organization_id: 'organization-test-07971b06-ac8b-4cdb-9c15-63b17e653931',
  resource_id: 'document',
  action: 'create',

resp = stytch_client.sessions.authenticate(
if resp != 200:
    # Redirect user to login page
    return 'not authenticated', 401

if not resp.authorized:
    return 'unauthorized', 403

The authorized boolean will indicate whether or not the user is allowed to take the requested action, and the verdict array will contain the role(s) that granted them the ability to take that action on that resource.